This trip schedule may change and an update may be delayed so do not rely on this schedule.
Upcoming Trips
Emerald Lake at Yoho Early pick up. May change depending on conditions - Closed
February 17, 2025
A1CS: From Natural Bridge PL then up Emerald lake by Connector trail to Emerald lake: lake trails inc Alluvial Fan after total 15k.
B1CS: From Natural Bridge to Emerald lake by Connector trail 8 km add lake trails for 2-3km if time
B2CS: From Lodge; Emerald lake Circuit - 5.2 km; Add Alluvial fan 5km if desired.
A1SS: From Natural Bridge to Emerald Lake by connector about 8 km. Add Emerald Lake and Hamilton falls and emerald river loop if time. Alluvial fan trail may be available was ski only but can do by breaking trail beside ski trail.
B1SS: From Natural Bridge to Emerald Lake by connector about 8 km Add Lake and other trails and if desired. Alluvial fan may be available was n ski only 5km
B2SS: From Lodge Emerald Lake loop 5 km add Hamilton Falls if desired
C: Walk around Emerald Lake
Lake Louise – Ski Pipestone / Snowshoe Mirror lake May change depending on snow conditions - Closed
February 24, 2025
A1CS: Pipestone Loop, plus Hector Drummond from Pipestone PL return to Village up to 22Km and 250m
A2CS: Pipestone Loop, plus Hector Drummond as far as desired from Pipestone PL return to Village up to 22Km and 250m
B1CS: Pipestone loop from Pipestone PL return to Village 15 km EG 150 m
B2CS: Pipestone loop part, Drummond and Hector return to Village 12 km EG 150 m
B2CS ALT: from Chateau PL down Tramline and round Bow River trails to village 11 km
A1SS: From Village up Louise creek to Mirror Lake and return via Louise creek or tramline 11-14K 500 m
B1SS: Chateau Parking lot to Mirror Lake return to Village via Louise creek or Tramline 8-11 Km - 295 m EG
B2SS: Chateau Parking lot to Mirror Lake return to Chateau PL 5 Km (option to add louise creek to village adds 3km) - 295 m EG
B2SSO: Chateau Parking lot down Louise creek or tramline to village 4 km- 6 km
CSS: Along shore of Lake Louise
Trip may change depending on snow conditions and weather Banff – Ski Spray River Trail / Snowshoe Spray river trail - Closed
March 3, 2025
A1CS: Spray River X ski trail on west side to Goat Creek bridge about 12 km - 65m EG
B1CS: Spray River X ski trail on west side to Goat Creek bridge or as far as you wish 12 km - 65m EG
B2CS: Spray River X ski trail on west side as far as you wish up to 12 km and 65 m
A1SS: Spray River X multi use trail on East side to Goat Creek bridge about 12 km - 65m EG
B1SS: Spray River X multi use trail on East side as far as you wish up to 12 km - 65m EG
B2SS: Spray River X multi use trail on East side to second bridge and shelter further if you wish 12 km - 65m EG
C's and walkers: Banff Trails as you wish and inc Bow falls/ Fenland/ marsh trails
Peter Lougheed – Ski and Snowshoe from William Watson Lodge Back Up trip only - Closed
March 10, 2025
A1CS: WW Lodge to Fox creek Junction : Wheeler, Amos, Wheeler, Moraine to Fox creek jn, Return by Boulton creek, Wheeler (15k)
B1CS: WW Lodge to Boulton campground : Wheeler, Amos, Wheeler, Moraine, Return, Wheeler (10 k)
B2CS: WW Lodge to Wheeler/ Amos Jn : Wheeler, Amos to wheeler jn and return by Wheeler (7 km)
A1SS: WW Lodge: Frozen toad loop: Elkwood campground, Frozen Toad East to Boulton return by Frozen Toad (West) and Elkwood campground (12 KM)
B1SS: WW Lodge: Lower Lake to Canyon picnic area and return (8 km) can add Penstock loop for extra 4.5 KM .
B2SS: WW Lodge: WW connector, Elkwood Loop 3 Km can add, Marsh and Lower Lake loops to add 2.5 km . or explore Frozen Toad (East) AFAP
CSS: Trails around William Watson Lodge